Link telegram ios
Link telegram ios

link telegram ios link telegram ios link telegram ios

Step 1: Open the Telegram app and move to the conversation. Follow the steps below to download and watch it on the phone. When you receive a video file with the supported format on the iPhone, you will see a video thumbnail in the Telegram conversation. However, there is a way to watch any video file downloaded from Telegram on iPhone. You won’t be able to view its extension or save such files on the iPhone. If you download a video file in Telegram, you will only see a thumbnail suggesting a video file. Read along to learn how to watch videos downloaded from Telegram on iPhone. However, the default Telegram player or the Photos app on the iPhone doesn’t support every video file type. One of the reasons for Telegram’s skyrocketing popularity is support for media upload for up to 1GB in size. Even with fierce competition from WhatsApp and Messenger, Telegram continues to hold its fort among the power users.

Link telegram ios